Foxglove assorted 2gal

This is a unique selection of Foxglove, flowering well even the first year. It forms a low rosette of green leaves, with tall spikes of deep lavender-purple or pink bells, each spotted inside with maroon purple.

Deadhead first-year blooms by trimming back the spent flower stems to base of the plant, to encourage overwintering and a second year of bloom.

These perform best in a rich, moist soil.

Allow plants to form seed in the second year and they may self-sow to produce future generations. New seedlings that appear can be easily moved in their first season, while still small.

CAUTION: Toxic if eaten

Grows 3′ high and 1.5′ wide, plants may need to be staked.  Full Sun/part shade

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Quick Start for new plants! The ultimate boost for new plants, ensuring healthy growth and vibrant blooms from the start


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Flower Season

late spring-early summer

Light Exposure

Sun/part sun

Mature Size

24" high and 24" wide

Pollinator Friendly

butterflies, hummingbird