Hydrangea Let’s Dance ‘Rhythmic Blue’ 2gal by Proven Winners

The Let’s Dance Series of Hydrangeas from Proven Winners is an easy-to-grow, no prune, and hardy collection.

Let’s Dance ‘Rhythmic Blue’ hydrangea will make you feel like the head honcho of hydrangeas. This easy-to-grow, no prune hydrangea was developed in Michigan for superior cold climate performance. Each perfectly formed floret has a distinctive rectangular shape. They combine into dozens of lush, full, mophead flowers that are pink in alkaline soils and a fabulous blue in acidic conditions. An outstanding rebloomer, Let’s Dance ‘Rhythmic Blue’ hydrangea will provide you months of flowers.

Top reasons to grow Let’s Dance ‘Rhythmic Blue’ hydrangea:

– Developed for better performance in harsh winters

– Flowers readily develop a deep blue color under proper conditions

– Reblooming, to provide months of colorful fresh flowers

Read our Guide To Growing Hydrangeas here

Quick Start for new plants! The ultimate boost for new plants, ensuring healthy growth and vibrant blooms from the start



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Flower Season


Light Exposure

full to part sun

Mature Size

3-4' tall & wide