Primula (4″ pot)

Primula are sweet little Spring-blooming tender perennials. In mid Winter, you’ll begin to see Primula available in stores for enjoyment indoors. These cheerful flowers bloom in bright, candy-coloured flowers that can last weeks!

To grow indoors in winter, place into decorative cover pots, or plant into ceramic or terracotta pots with a drainage hole using an indoor potting mix. Primula prefer cooler locations with bright light, even direct sun through the window. Water when dry, allowing all excess water to drain away, and being sure the surface has dried before watering again. Keeping this plant too wet may cause it to drop blooms, or rot in the crown of the plant.

To grow outdoors, plant in a sunny location in Spring, when night temperatures are steadily above freezing. Primula also make a bright addition to mixed Spring planters for the porch or patio.

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Flower Season


Light Exposure



2 - 3 x week