Search Results for weed b gon

Your Fall Lawn Care Guide

September 5, 2023
A thicker, healthier lawn next spring begins in Fall! With a few simple steps, you can enjoy a better, greener lawn in as little as 2 weeks. Best of all? Giving your lawn the attention it needs now will help it to to build...
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Growing A Healthy Lawn in Ontario

May 14, 2021
It’s time for long summer days spent outdoors, and the lawn becomes central to fun family activities, backyard picnics, and lounging in the sun. Growing a healthy lawn doesn’t have to be complicated. How can we keep ...
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Your Spring Lawn Start-Up Guide

April 10, 2024
April brings plenty of opportunities for getting back outside, and tending to the lawn and garden is a great way to enjoy the improving weather. Taking small steps to improve the health of your lawn now can have great bene...
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Summer Lawn Maintenance Basics

June 10, 2022
When the temperatures skyrocket, it's normal for turf to turn a straw colour and go dormant as a protective measure. A strong lawn will bounce back more easily. Here are 3 easy steps to help your lawn to be more resilient ...
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Essential Garden Items For Planting Season

May 21, 2021
It’s planting time! The May long weekend has long served as the official starting line of the summer gardening season. Across the province, gardeners both veteran and novice will dig in and start planting. When you hit the...
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Planting For Pollinators

April 23, 2021
Pollinators are important! Native bees account for the pollination of most of our food supply, and we can play a key role in helping to support them. No matter the size of your garden space, you can help. Choose to plant a...
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