Gentle Yoga with Rianna – Sundays 11am-12pm
Yoga in the tropical oasis of the TERRA Hamilton greenhouse… what could be better? Gentle Yoga with Rianna is a gentle, yin-style yoga class. Breathe, stretch, meditate, and relax. Suitable for all levels. Please bring a yoga mat, water and a medium sized blanket. Feel free to bring your own yoga blocks for additional support.
This yoga series will run in TERRA Hamilton on Sundays from 11am to 12pm from January 21st – February 25th. Register for a single class, or join us for the entire series to enjoy a relaxing practice that offers new experience each week.
Sunday Jan 21 11am-12pm: Easing Into Yin An easy, beginner-friendly yin yoga practice to refresh and relax the whole body.
Sunday, Jan 28 11am-12pm: Yin Flow For Hips A gentle, yin flow to restore the hips and ease the mind.
Sunday, Feb 4 11am-12pm: Gentle Yin Twists Restore your nervous system, massage your digestive system, and release tension from your spine.
Sunday, Feb 11 11am-12pm: Heart Open Yin Open your heart to loving kindness, reduce anxiety, and invite healing with this heart-centered yin practice.
Sunday Feb 18 11am-12pm: Yin Yoga Anywhere Learn a whole-body, yin yoga sequence that you can practice without props anywhere you go.
Sunday Feb 25 11am-12pm: Yin Yoga Chakra Cleanse A deeply healing and meditative practice to clear and balance each energy centre.